5 reasons to use Theta S for your next 360 real estate virtual tour

Tech News

The real estate market nowadays requires playing hard to get more than ever. Theta S is an awesome 360 real estate virtual tour gadget to capture your client’s attention. The number of sellers and brokers always outweighs the number of buyers. So, standing out from the crowd plays a key role in success. Here are five reasons you should use Theta S and Lapentor as Virtual Tour tools on your next real estate project.

1. Great quality for a much more reasonable price

In the dawn of the VR trend, creating a professional spin-around virtual tour for properties has required sets of expensive hardware with a number of complicated software applications. It might cost you thousands of dollars. Commonly you will get what you pay for, and the quality of the product is just as fair as the price. However, this technology might be suitable for those selling high-class real estate. To provide information on moderate properties doesn’t necessarily need such sharpened quality with a fancy look.

Nowadays, a number of VR options are available to realtors, ranging from enormously expensive to just a few hundred dollars. In fact, it’s even possible to create DIY virtual tours with a budget of less than $500. If you are looking for something as affordable as that with decent quality, Theta S is definitely what you are looking for.

FACTS: According to statistics we collected from our Lapentor’s site, 87% of its realtors are using Theta S, 9% of them are using DSLRs with panoramic accessories, and 4% are using 3D rendered  360 images. So, when you happen to visit a real estate virtual tour, there’s an 87% chance that you are seeing a Theta S product.

2. It saves your time to create 360 real estate virtual tour

To be a successful broker, you have to minimize time-consuming tasks. Real estate brokers used to be reluctant to invest in virtual tours, not only because of the cost itself but also because of the time taken to collaborate with photographers.

The Theta series seems to have been made to solve this matter, though. Using Theta S, brokers can create their own 360 real estate virtual tour quickly and easily. You can make a 360 shot with the press of a button on the device or control it remotely via your smartphone. In terms of editing, there’s no need to work with complicated third-party apps either, Theta S stitches the images together automatically. Furthermore, it only takes a few seconds to share the property image via the Ricoh Theta app on your mobile.

It’s no surprise that in real estate Theta S is becoming a strong competitor to high-end 360 cameras, being smaller, lighter, and easier to use. There’s no need for bags of panoramic accessories either, all you need is a tripod and a mobile device. With such an impressive gadget, you won’t need to hire a photographer anymore!

If you want to make the best use of the Theta S, please visit Youtube Life in 360. There are numerous videos showing you how to become from zero to hero in 360 photography with Theta S

3. It’s supported on many major sites

More good news is that spherical photos are now supported by many popular websites. If you use social media to attract potential customers, you’ll be pleased to know that you can now post to a number of social networks with the click of a button.

Using the Ricoh Theta app to make instant posts on Facebook regularly is a good way to attract more views, build more trust and be more in touch with your leads. It doesn’t take much time or effort – give it a try!

You might already know that Google has encouraged people to contribute spherical photos to its Street View app for quite a time. But, did you know that with one click of sharing via the Google Street View app, you can contribute your images directly to Google Street View in a matter of seconds?

It is supported on Lapentor.com – The most simple and intuitive virtual tour platform which supports Self-Hosting on your own domain too. You just have to export the image from Ricoh Theta and upload the still images to Lapentor.

If you don’t know how to create a virtual tour, read this article: How to Make a 360 Virtual Tour Free in 5 Minutes

4. It’s compatible with cloud-based Virtual Tour software

This function will be especially attractive to real estate brokers who are interested in 360 real estate virtual tour. Since the birth of the Theta S, there has been a rise in the amount of compatible software emerging. There are a number of software options that can help brokers create professional, informative, and engaging virtual tours in just a couple of minutes.

With these tools, decisive elements such as Floor Plans, Directions, and Locations can be easily added to the virtual tour of each property. By adding these intuitive layers of information, people will never lose interest in engaging with the virtual tour. Your potential customers will have a chance to browse from property to property until they reach their decision.

5. It collaborates perfectly with other devices

It’s great to trade properties in superb locations. But, the question is, how do you show off these high-quality locations? The obvious solution is to use a map, but there is another tool that you can use to highlight great spots.

Theta S makes it possible to show your lead’s locations from a bird’s eye view, giving a genuine image of the surrounding area and nearby facilities of their future home.

Take a look at this example:



There are a couple of other 360 devices that can be mounted to drones to capture such picturesque and realistic images. However, if you do some research on the best 360 cameras for drones, you’ll likely find the Theta S appearing at the top of many lists.

It doesn’t just work well with drones, it also forms a fantastic sales kit when coordinated with a VR headset, becoming the perfect bridge to connect you with your leads. Let your potential customers put on the headset and be immersed in their ideal apartment. You can tell them to imagine how they could decorate the apartment and where they could place their bed, closet, or play area for their kids. There’s no better way to tap into your customers’ subconscious and give them the feeling of ownership.

There are quite a number of firms now investing in VR headsets. Some of your future realtor customers may even own some themselves. Be ahead of the times and be the first bird to catch the worm!

RECOMMENDATION: Offer them a Google Cardboard stamped with your company’s logo and contact information. They will not just use it to visit their ideal apartment again but also to visit your site or contact you to ask for further buying process. Visit these sites to get a better idea:

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